quinta-feira, 9 de maio de 2013

The respectable doctor

The respectable doctor

Dr. David Powell is the respected physician in Queens park grove, a little village just off Bishop Stortford .His life had always been a little bit of a lie, from the day he had left home to go to university, he started to live a double life .At home on weekends and holidays he would be the brilliant medical student, with a string of girlfriends, the heart breaker his mother called him. Little did she know how much of a heartbreaker he actually was. He had finished university with excellent marks and after doing his first intern he had fallen for the sweet librarian Dianna Wicks.
            His parents were so happy that they paid for the couple’s honeymoon in the Phi Phi Islands in Thailand. Dianna was married to the man of her dreams and had two children to prove it. Her life was almost perfect but was a brief encounter with a young stranger about to ruin everything…
David had been treading on thin ice for a while now, he had always been unfaithful to Dianna, he had had numerous affairs but this time it was different, very different .A relationship had evolved through a casual encounter at the surgery with a patient –Colin.
Colin a young homosexual, wanted to be loved. He had gone in for a prescription for antidepressants which he had been on for a year. His treatment had turned out to be more than what he had ever dreamed of.
Dr David Powell was gorgeous and had a thing for young men, he was everything Colin had ever wanted, and his past relationships had all failed due to his insecure personality. The insecure personality was about to come out once again and threaten David´s comfortable double life in more ways than one. He had jeopardized everything he had worked for not to mention his family life, for what, a passionate fling with a very young and immature homosexual on the verge of a nervous breakdown. How could he have been so stupid? Now what was he going to do – ignore the poor kid, today was going to be a test to see just how far he could go along with this whole mess. Dianna had offered to get the milk from the local corner shop, but she had been ill with the flu and David didn´t want her to getting any worse. He got out of the car and was surprised to see young Colin…

Colin:   Hey you!!...how´s tricks?
Dave:   Hi …-Oh you know the same old same old…look
Colin:   So what have you been up to? Err… I´ve missed you…terribly
Dave:   look-Colin Stop it!
Colin:   What have I done now?-you´re always shutting me out- talk to me
Dave:   I…I Can´t. Not right now – Diana’s waiting for me in the car
Colin:   Oh so…sod Diana- I´m here! I thought we understood each other-I thought we had a great time –
Dave:   Colin shut it! …Please- what we had…or what we did should stay in the past
Colin:   how can you say it, how can you put things like that, as if I didn´t mean anything to you…I its ok that you´re not comfortable at the mo with Diana in the car and that…but-
Dave:   Don´t you understand! er I’m married and wanna stay that way-
Colin:   Well you could´ve fooled me! - all that chit chat of how much I meant to you bla bla bla- was I just the desperate young faggot that you thought you could have-was that it?
Dave:   look – this is not the time or the place –for this kind of-
Colin:   Conversation!?-
Dave:   Argument- keep it down!-erm the woman at the fruit stall is looking-in fact she staring-oh hell and
Colin:   and –what?
Dave:   she´s coming this way…look let´s get together sometime this week-perhaps Thursday or Friday-what d ´you say?
Colin:   that´s it run off them erm …-Di´s waiting for Mr. Macho man!
Dave:   I…I´m sorry –truly I am –it’s just that this is not the time or the place for this right now…
Colin:   hum and-it never will be! at least for you that is-
Dave:   Shut it!-I mean it…erm look the way I see it, you either accept the fact that I’m not prepared for this –or hum …you take a breather and stop to think-
Colin:   think?
Dave: yes think and stop making a spectacle out of us both!
Colin:   you mean yourself of course –tha that´s all you´re worried about …the respected Doctor talking to the young homo - what will the community think.
Dave:   as I said before-
Colin: …now is not the time…
Dave:   No you know very well what I said …erm listen meet me in my surgery round a ´bout nineish on Thursday.
Colin:   I don´t what to say, I don´t  know what to think anymore, my life was a mess before you came along and now it seems to have gotten worse ,all I ever wanted was to be loved and accepted for who I am and not dismissed as though I were a piece of rubbish…
Dave:   s…stop it Colin
Colin:   why?-afraid are we? Afraid I´ll break down and scream at you in public, is that it?
Dave:   Why are you doing this?
Colin:   doing what?
Dave:   oh come on…y´know what I mean!
Colin:   No I don´t, why don´t you just tell me hum?
Dave:   listen you´ve been stalking me ever since our …our
Colin:   affair?
Dave:   oh hell is that what you thought it was?
Colin:   that´s what I´d call it…It wasn´t just a one off thing or have you forgotten already so soon- let me think just last Friday we spent the whole day together, the day you had that medical conference in Southampton…the one Dianna couldn´t go to because it was going to be boring and none of the other Doctors were taking their wives.
Dave:   are you insinuating what I think you are?
Colin:   oh for god sake! All I want is for things to be like before
Dave:   Meet me on Thursday, we´ll talk then.

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